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ISO/TR 27923:2022

Current Date published:

Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage — Injection operations, infrastructure and monitoring

This document covers:

—    A description of the existing legal frameworks and associated laws and directives covering current and planned projects.

—    Specific information about CO2 injection facilities based on existing and planned projects that include storage of CO2 in both saline aquifers and CO2-EOR as relevant. This information includes aspects of materials used, surface infrastructure, well design considerations, concepts around well placement strategies, considerations for downhole monitoring tool deployment, well completions, and well and infrastructure maintenance and remediation practices.

—    Descriptions of current practices regarding operating projects including monitoring, safety, and reporting activities associated with both surface and downhole components of the projects.

—    Discussion on operational aspects of storing CO2 in hydrocarbon reservoirs including depleting gas fields and reusing facilities.

—    A description of monitoring requirements and methods including measurements to establish baselines.

—    A description of existing and emerging tools, accuracy, and expectations for quantification.

—    A description of regulatory requirements for operating and decommissioning CO2-EOR with associated storage and CCS projects around the world.

—    A description of decommissioning activities and timelines associated with end-of-project.

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ISO/TR 27923:2022

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