Draft standards are available for public comment for a specified period (usually 8 weeks)
DR AS/NZS 3584.3:2023 Diesel engine systems for underground coal mines, Part 3: Maintenance
The objective of this is to specify requirements and recommendations for examining, servicing, maintaining, repairing, overhauling, modifying and testing diesel engine systems, including those that conform to AS 3584.1 and AS 3584.2, for use in underground coal mines to ensure diesel engine systems remain safe to use (i.e. in an explosion-protected or fire-protected condition) over their life cycle.
A list of all parts in the AS/NZS 3584 series can be found in the Standards Australia online catalogue.
The major changes in this edition are as follows:
(a) Alignment with other parts of AS 3584 where appropiate.
(b) Clearly defining the differences between maintenance, overhaul, and repair.
(c) Defining safety components, safety functions and gas tightness.
(d) Additional detail regarding thread repairs.
(e) Recommendations regarding replacement parts.
(f) Additional details regarding supervision of workers.
(g) Inclusion of the installation date for overhauled and tested components.
DR AS/NZS 3669:2025 Non-destructive testing - Qualification and approval of personnel - Aerospace (EN 4179:2021, IDT)
The objective of this document is to establish the minimum requirements for the qualification and certification of personnel performing non-destructive testing (NDT), non-destructive inspection (NDI), or non-destructive evaluation (NDE) in the aerospace manufacturing, service, maintenance and overhaul industries.
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, EN 4179:2021, Aerospace series - Qualification and approval of personnel for non-destructive testing.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
DR AS/NZS ISO 10324:2025 Information and documentation - Holdings statements - Summary level
The objective of this document is to specify display requirements for holdings statements at the summary level for serial and non-serial items, to promote consistency in the communication and exchange of holdings information.
It is intended for use in reporting holdings when reporting is in display form. For machine-readable reporting not in display form, the data elements specified in this document should be included, although their order, etc., may be different in the machine record.
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation — Holdings statements — Summary level.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
DR AS/NZS ISO 20775:2025 Information and documentation - Schema for holdings information
The objective of this document is to specify a schema designed to cover the holdings of all types of resources, physical and electronic, all types of resource format such as printed text, visual images, sound recordings, videos, electronic media and resources published or issued once such as monographs or those published serially or in part.
Though it is designed to be used as a schema in query responses, this document does not specify a query and response (such as SRU, Z39.50 or Open Search) including search attributes and index definition.
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, ISO 20775:2009, Information and documentation — Schema for holdings information.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
DR AS/NZS ISO 24229:2025 Information and documentation - Codes for written language conversion systems
The objective of this document is to provide principles for establishing codes for the representation of written language conversion systems. The codes are devised for usage in any application requiring the expression of written language conversion systems, including transliteration and romanization systems, in coded form.
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, ISO 24229:2022, Information and documentation — Codes for written language conversion systems.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
DR AS/NZS ISO 25577:2025 Information and documentation - MarcXchange
The objective of this document is to specify the requirements for a generalized XML-based exchange format for bibliographic records as well as other types of metadata. It does not define the length or the content of individual records and does not assign any meaning to tags, indicators, or identifiers, these specifications being the functions of an implementation format.
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, ISO 25577:2013, Information and documentation — MarcXchange.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
DR AS/NZS ISO 7144:2025 Documentation - Presentation of theses and similar documents
The objective of this document is to give rules for the presentation of theses and similar documents in all disciplines.
It is applicable to theses presented in the following ways:
(a) In book form.
(b) As parts of books.
(c) As periodical articles.
(d) As typescripts.
(e) As a set of separate publications.
The rules apply to theses reproduced in the following forms:
(i) Composed and printed.
(ii) In identical form or with reduction (for example from A4 to A5).
(iii) In microform.
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, ISO 7144:1986, Documentation — Presentation of theses and similar documents.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
DR AS/NZS 3584.3:2023 Diesel engine systems for underground coal mines, Part 3: Maintenance
A list of all parts in the AS/NZS 3584 series can be found in the Standards Australia online catalogue.
The major changes in this edition are as follows:
(a) Alignment with other parts of AS 3584 where appropiate.
(b) Clearly defining the differences between maintenance, overhaul, and repair.
(c) Defining safety components, safety functions and gas tightness.
(d) Additional detail regarding thread repairs.
(e) Recommendations regarding replacement parts.
(f) Additional details regarding supervision of workers.
(g) Inclusion of the installation date for overhauled and tested components.
Closing date for comments 19/3/2025
DR AS/NZS 3669:2025 Non-destructive testing - Qualification and approval of personnel - Aerospace (EN 4179:2021, IDT)
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, EN 4179:2021, Aerospace series - Qualification and approval of personnel for non-destructive testing.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
Closing date for comments 13/3/2025
DR AS/NZS ISO 10324:2025 Information and documentation - Holdings statements - Summary level
It is intended for use in reporting holdings when reporting is in display form. For machine-readable reporting not in display form, the data elements specified in this document should be included, although their order, etc., may be different in the machine record.
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, ISO 10324:1997, Information and documentation — Holdings statements — Summary level.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
Closing date for comments 26/3/2025
DR AS/NZS ISO 20775:2025 Information and documentation - Schema for holdings information
Though it is designed to be used as a schema in query responses, this document does not specify a query and response (such as SRU, Z39.50 or Open Search) including search attributes and index definition.
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, ISO 20775:2009, Information and documentation — Schema for holdings information.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
Closing date for comments 19/3/2025
DR AS/NZS ISO 24229:2025 Information and documentation - Codes for written language conversion systems
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, ISO 24229:2022, Information and documentation — Codes for written language conversion systems.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
Closing date for comments 12/3/2025
DR AS/NZS ISO 25577:2025 Information and documentation - MarcXchange
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, ISO 25577:2013, Information and documentation — MarcXchange.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
Closing date for comments 12/3/2025
DR AS/NZS ISO 7144:2025 Documentation - Presentation of theses and similar documents
It is applicable to theses presented in the following ways:
(a) In book form.
(b) As parts of books.
(c) As periodical articles.
(d) As typescripts.
(e) As a set of separate publications.
The rules apply to theses reproduced in the following forms:
(i) Composed and printed.
(ii) In identical form or with reduction (for example from A4 to A5).
(iii) In microform.
This document is identical to, and has been reproduced from, ISO 7144:1986, Documentation — Presentation of theses and similar documents.
The secretariat of this committee is managed by Standards Australia. Please see the attached document on how to access public comment drafts and submitting comments via the Standards Australia Public Commenting Portal, Connect.
Closing date for comments 26/3/2025
International Comments
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