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ISO/IEC 19944:2017

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Information technology — Cloud computing — Cloud services and devices: Data flow, data categories and data use

ISO/IEC 19944:2017

- extends the existing cloud computing vocabulary and reference architecture in ISO/IEC 17788 and ISO/IEC 17789 to describe an ecosystem involving devices using cloud services,

- describes the various types of data flowing within the devices and cloud computing ecosystem,

- describes the impact of connected devices on the data that flow within the cloud computing ecosystem,

- describes flows of data between cloud services, cloud service customers and cloud service users,

- provides foundational concepts, including a data taxonomy, and

- identifies the categories of data that flow across the cloud service customer devices and cloud services.

ISO/IEC 19944:2017 is applicable primarily to cloud service providers, cloud service customers and cloud service users, but also to any person or organization involved in legal, policy, technical or other implications of data flows between devices and cloud services.

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ISO/IEC 19944:2017

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ISO/IEC 19944:2017

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