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AS/NZS 2063:2020

Current Date published:

Helmets for use on bicycles and wheeled recreational devices

Standard specifies the design, construction and basic performance requirements of lightweight protective helmets intended to mitigate the adverse effects of a blow to the head. This Standard covers impact energy attenuation, helmet stability, load distribution, strength and effectiveness of the retention system and its attachment points, peripheral vision clearance and marking requirements. This Standard applies to helmets used for recreational activities involving bicycles, and wheeled recreational devices (such as skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, hoverboards and kick-scooters, including those that are power-assisted). This Standard does not cover helmets intended to be used by motorcyclists. The design and construction of motorcycle helmets are provided in AS/NZS 1698 or UNECE R22.05. The major changes in this edition are as follows: The addition to the scope of wheeled recreational devices, such as skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, and kick-scooters; Specification of normative product conformity and batch testing requirements; Specification of impact velocities and indicative drop heights; and Clarification of the intent of test site selection.

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