Withdrawal of steel standard
The New Zealand Standards Approval Board revoked NZS 3404.1:2009 Steel structures standard – Part 1: Materials, fabrication, and construction at its meeting on 5 September 2018, following a request from the Heavy Engineering Research Association (HERA) and supported by the Building System Performance branch of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
This standard has been effectively superseded by AS/NZS 5131:2016 Structural steelwork – Fabrication and erection (which is cited in B1/VM1 of the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC)), AS/NZS 2327:2017 Composite structures – Composite steel-concrete construction in buildings, and SNZ TS 3404:2018 Durability requirements for steel structures and component (for which work is under way to have both AS/NZS 2327 and SNZ TS 3404 cited through an amendment to B1/VM1 and B2/AS1 of the NZBC). NZS 3404.1:1997 Steel structures standard remains current and it is cited with modifications in B1/VM1 of the NZBC.