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SNZ PAS 5312 Gas and liquid fuel boiler systems helps companies to leave coal in the ground

The new publicly available specification (PAS) forms part of a suite of guidance sponsored by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) designed to provide information on process heat technologies which present alternatives to using coal.

SNZ PAS 5312:2021 Gas and liquid fuel boiler systems In response to global and national requirements to reduce carbon, there is a definite shift away from coal use in space heating and hot water systems, towards boilers offering better energy efficiency, reduced carbon, or even carbon-free alternatives.

EECA has sponsored the development of SNZ PAS 5312 Gas and liquid fuel boiler systems to inform and guide best practice for those with coal boilers to quickly adopt gas and liquid fuel options already on the market.

Many schools, hospitals, prisons, hotels, industrial plant and processing facilities still use coal powered boilers. SNZ PAS 5312 provides advice and information to help users of coal boilers assess their options when looking to replace or upgrade their heating plant. This information should be used alongside SNZ PAS 5311:2021 and SNZ PAS 5210:2021.

The SNZ PAS 5312 Technical Advisory Group brought together experts from academia and engineering, heating installation and equipment, and the gas and safety sectors. This group developed the new PAS assessing gas and liquid fueled boilers performance and efficiency.

‘While there is a new focus on electricity or biomass technologies, some companies will need guidance to transition to a cleaner, lower-carbon alternative as an initial step. Gas and liquid fuel boilers can be used in this transition, particularly those capable of running on biomethane, a drop in substitute for natural gas. Ultimately ensuring cleaner and better combustion efficiency is a step in the right direction,’ says EECA.

The PAS is aimed at a largely non-technical audience while still pointing in the direction of more technical information. Decision makers need to clearly understand the energy efficiency of the combustion process when making a comparison between gas and liquid fuel-fired boilers and alternative technologies.

Helping facilities move from using inefficient and heavily carbon-emitting coal will support government’s ambitious plans to be carbon neutral by 2050. With around 40% of New Zealand’s total greenhouse gas emissions coming from energy use, making better choices will benefit us all.

SNZ PAS 5312 Gas and liquid fuel boiler systems is sponsored by EECA for free download from 15 December 2021. Other sponsored PAS in the suite of process heat guidance are available for free download.